Do you know that there are many roles in sleep medicine and knowing those roles may help you navigate and problem solve?
Also, your sleep medicine is a sub specialty. Only certain physicians are able to become board certified in sleep medicine. Learn the specialties.
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Roles of Sleep Medicine
Sleep medicine has a variety of people involved. Depending on the type of sleep medicine provider (hospital based, community based) you engage they have a variety of people you should know.
Sleep physician
Physician Assistants
Nurse Practitioner
Respiratory Therapists
Registered Sleep Technologists
Behavioral Sleep Medicine Psychologists
Board Certified Dental Sleep Medicine
Sleep Researchers
Sleep Practice Office Staff
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Company
Insurance Company

Learn the Specialties
Did you know sleep medicine physicians also is a sub- specialty. The only physicians who are able to be board certified in sleep are:
Internal Medicine
Family Medicine
Psychiatry and Neurology
Ear, Nose & Throat (Otolaryngologists)
Why is this important information to know?
Your sleep physician may have other strengths. However, as sleep physicians that is their main focus of practice.
They will be board certified in that primary specialty and the subspecialty of sleep medicine.
For more information see the American Board of Medical Specialties.
Resources to support paying for sleep medicine treatment
Look To Nonpfofits
If you have a specific sleep disorder, check to see if they have a nonprofit advocating for you. They may offer more specific assistance.