Advocacy for patients can take many forms. Below is some of the projects Sleep Equity is working on to collaborate with:
-Other advocacy groups
-Units of Government (village, city, county, state, Federal)
-Health Equity Organizations
-Physicians and Researchers in Sleep
Sleep Equity Project’s Government Action Guide Village, City, County, State Governments
A, B, C's of Sleep Equity
Raise your awareness of how poor sleep and untreated sleep disorders affect individuals AND families physically, emotionally, financially
Increased mortality for those untreated
Increased health care costs (MEDICAL Debt)
Worsening of chronic health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease
Be the one force to bring this ignored issue to your community
Awareness campaigns with Sleep Equity Project and Local Community Health Organizations in your district
Invite us to your health fairs to educate your constituents and provide actionable steps
Invite Sleep Equity Project to policy discussions on housing quality, crime, wage discrimination, shift work impact, racism (All ISSUES which impact quality sleep!!!)
Allow us to present to your office an in-depth briefing on the issues and interventions government can introduce, sponsor and support to improve the sleep health of your constituents
Bolster your constituents quality of Life
Sleep is a huge pilar of health and poor sleep is hurting people and their families
Learn the impact to health, mental health, financial health, neighborhood and community health
HOST a town hall on Sleep Health in your district
Sleep Equity Project and Sleep Physicians/Researchers from Northwestern, Rush, University of Chicago, and Loyola will partner with you!
Without changes to laws and regulations, people will continue to suffer from poor sleep due to societal factors
Please connect with us
Overall Aims of Sleep Equity Project

10 Ways Sleep Equity Project
Can Help Your Constituents
We are available to engage in numerous areas in your district with your assistance.

1. Sleep Quality of Unhoused People
Provide sleep education for transitional housing or Medical Shelters

4. Sleep Education in Domestic Violence Shelters
Women and children are extremely vulnerable in these environments. Sleep information may be helpful

7, Involve Public Health
It is vital that we involve public health organizations and officials in the discussion around sleep to address ands strengthen policy on housing and healthcare

2. Sleep Education in Community Health Centers
Provide evidence based sleep education materials for community health centers

5. Educating Children and Young Adults
Research shows that providing education at an early age and consistently about sleep hygiene and insomnia help young people get better quality and quantity sleep

8. Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Company Involvement
Companies are developing medications and devices to benefit patients. It is important to engage in discussions to ensure patient voice is heard and underserved populations are represented and informed

3. Women's Shelters
Engage in developing an innovative service for women's health centers around tailored sleep education and screening for sleep disorders

6. Getting Sleep Physicians to Speak in the Community
Sleep Equity Project can work on getting Sleep Physicians and Researchers to speak at community events

9. Sleep Medicine Health Care Delivery
There are innovative care pathways (digital, remote, tele-health, etc) that are emerging and underserved people are the last to benefit from this innovation. Be a part of this process.

10. Provide Resources
Provide resources for your constituents to help navigate their individual sleep issues across their lifespan (Children, young adults, adults, Older Adults)